I have to confess, I've been on the fence about a test trip, but my logic may be faulty. Since we don't have a truck yet (admitted, towing experience is limited so there's a learning curve there), we'd likely be in a motor home. I haven't been in newer ones but my memory is that the bowling alley factor may be a bit too high for him. I know it would be testing the lifestyle, not the vehicle, but I'd hate for him to decide the whole thing's not for him on the basis of a trip in something that feels cramped to him. Feels risky. On the other hand, the potential is for him to get used to the size quickly, and enjoy being on the road. It' fall here in New England, and it's beautiful, as always.
Lyle, that's a great suggestion. I think he's just intrigued enough to be good with that exercise. I'll propose it. Stay tuned.
This is so helpful. You all rock. If this is what the rv community is like, I have a lot to look forward to.