Forum Discussion

ZagiFlyer's avatar
Feb 23, 2015

Light weight 5r that can hold a motorcycle?

Hello All,

We've had the Thor Jazz since it was new in 2003 and it's been amazing - reliable and mostly trouble free. However, it's time for us to get a newer model and I could use some help.

I still have my Chevy 2500HD with the 6.0L gasser, so my max trailer GVWR is 10,400 lb.
My wife really wants something at least 30'.

Here's the troublesome part: I have a dual sport motorcycle (340 lb.) that I'd like to bring with us sometimes. However, my wife isn't willing to give up 10' of space to a toy hauler garage.

I've spent HOURS looking for a solution, but I'm at a loss.

I could use some suggestions on how I can bring motorcycle with me when we take the new 5r out -- or a pointer to a toy hauler with a tiny garage.

  • I have heard of some side loading garage toy haulers. Basically they have a ramp on the drivers and passenger sides, and you push through the RV, taking it out the other side, or remove from the same side if you like.

    Check out some toy haulers. Basically once you remove the toys, you can use the area as a second fully enclosed bedroom, so if you have kids, that can help give them some privacy.

    I was looking at one toyhauler (20,000 GVWR and triple axles, so to large for anything but a dually) and it had a rear bathroom in addition to the forward full bath. It has bunk beds and can be set up with a dining table back there. So it really could sleep up to about 10! And seat about 8 in the back for dinner, in addition to about 6 in the living room.

    I had a friend with a toy hauler, and he could host a large group for dinner, it was really nice if it rained, or was cold out.
