Forum Discussion

Jim4929's avatar
May 06, 2015

Lightning Strike

After dealing with all the things destroyed in the house from a lightning strike, I finally made it out to the trailer to start work on it. It has been plugged into shore power for the last three weeks. I first tried to open the slide and neither of the three would budge. So here is what I know. Battery reserve is in the red with some alarm sounding due to low power. The micro wave it working off the shore power, at this point I have unplugged shore power and replugged and the battery "appears" to be charging some what. In the past the slides and other items have worked with the battery removed and on shore power but will not do so now. Any ideas?
  • Must be battery. Hooked to truck and everything is working now. Time to go to gladly go to the battery store. With everything I had to replace in the house from the strike I guess I was a bit paranoid. Thanks for all the help!!!
  • Agree about the battery, thus the reason I stated that 1 or 2 cells may be "dead"....Also recommended that he try another battery and THEN try to turn on 12volt circuit (lights), and try to extend the slides THEN....IF they won't extend, or no 12 volt output, will agree it's the power supply/converter/inverter....

    Guess, with shore power plugged in, he could see if his 12 volt lights work...."IF" they don't, something is wrong with the 12VDC output with 120 AC coming in...unless, as stated, power in side is fused and fuse is blown., (safety circuit), or breaker tripped.
  • I am thinking the battery is toast, with that low of meter reading.

    If you need to open the slides, you could jump from the truck battery, to RV. It would also tell you that the RV systems are working properly.

  • I'd really suspect that your converter has died. You could pull it out and see if the lightning somehow caused the reverse polarity fuses to open, but that would be a little odd. Disconnect the negative lead from the battery. Plug into shore power and use your DVM to measure DC voltage from the negative battery lead to the positive battery lead. If you have the proper voltage, the converter is likely good, and the battery is completely discharged. But once again, I highly suspect your converter is not working because the lights are dim when you are on shore power.
  • your battery is dead, should be 12.6 volts for a full charge. Try plugging into shore power and then use multimeter to see if your convertor is charging your battery, If it is charging It should read about 13.6 volts. If it does not read around 13.6 it could be the battery is too dead that it won't take a charge or the convertor is bad.
  • Jim4929 wrote:
    ...a multimeter/voltmeter could tell you how much power is being generated at this time from your battery, (not hooked into shore power)....

    Hooked to shore power the battery is reading 7.4 volts

    Don't know how long your battery hasn't been charging, but that low WITH shore power hooked up, it may not be charging, or has a dead cell or two....I'd have battery checked out. "IF" you have a spare 12 volt battery, I'd be half tempted to put it in the 5er, hooked up and see if your 12 volt power is there, (ie lights or a light just to see). Even try to THEN open your old is the battery?

    Like you, I can open slides and do quite a bit while plugged into shore power, BUT there have been a couple of times, I had the battery bypassed, hooked to shore power and couldn't open the slides..the battery will give the additional "torque" you might need to open the slides,(the shore power won't be able to offer that much torque if needed) especially if they haven't been opened for a while.
  • ...a multimeter/voltmeter could tell you how much power is being generated at this time from your battery, (not hooked into shore power)....

    Hooked to shore power the battery is reading 7.4 volts
  • With shore power on, can you turn on 12 volt lights and they work? If so, your inverter is still sending 12 VDC to the 12 volt circuits....Did you try to turn on a 12V light without being hooked into shore power...just to see if it comes on at all, even dimly.

    The lights come on but very dim. I didn't try to turn on the 12v lights without shore power
  • My slides will work off shore power also, BUT, if you need some initial "torque" to get them open...I'd let the battery charge and see what happens then....If your microwave and all 120 is should be ok in that department...Question: With shore power on, can you turn on 12 volt lights and they work? If so, your inverter is still sending 12 VDC to the 12 volt circuits....Did you try to turn on a 12V light without being hooked into shore power...just to see if it comes on at all, even dimly...a multimeter/voltmeter could tell you how much power is being generated at this time from your battery, (not hooked into shore power)....