Cummins12V98 wrote:
RedAce wrote:
While it may be true that some RV manufacturers "underspec" frames made by Lippert, its not likely that they specified shoddy workmanship and poor welds.
When you ask for light weight frame say on a 36-40' frame you get a lot of flex and the result is broken welds.
Totally disagree, proper welds hold, the steel breaks, the weld should be stronger then the steel around it if done right, remember the object is to tie two together. Obviously you are not a welding expert. Flex all you want . Seen hundreds of weld tests, and if done right there are no welds breaking, but have seen lots of steel break. Have seen lots of steel posts hit by cars and the steel ripped loose ,but the welds held. Lippert frames that I have looked at, the majority are , stringy, ropy ,excessive weld splatter, welds not complete, etc, etc, just crappy welds. I have seen a lot of this kind of welding , usually done by guys that took a welding class in high school ,and raised their hand ,and say I can weld, and get hired by companies like lippert, trust me they may learn how to weld as time goes on , but they are not welders that I consider welders.