Me Again wrote:
Lippert would not build a frame spec'd by a client that they feel would fail, as it has their name on it. When I had I-beam web cracks Cardinal referred me to Lippert for warranty and such. Cardinal did not "own" the frame, Lippert did. Lippert is not going to warranty a frame that is not to their specs.
The hell you say, they fail all the time in the welds ,that is on lippert, not on the client. They have put there name on more bad welds then can be counted. IMO, and being in the welding business for over 42 years I do know what I am talking about, there welds are shameful. Welds can look sloppy cosmetically ,and still have good penetration, but when there is excessive weld splatter, probably welding to cold ,with poor penetration, or bad undercut, that can break, joints that are not welded completely, and the weld is not finished at the ends, that is a lot of the typical welds that lippert puts out. I very much doubt one of there welders could pass our weld test. Over the 42 years I tested hundreds of guys, and I refer to the type of welders that lippert hires as squirt welders, all they did all day is put spot welds or short one inch welds on patio furniture. When they had to run a decent six bead they had no clue, thats lippert welders. Last 10-15 years that is about all we could get to do our welding, but then we had them take a couple welding classes, and we taught them in house. Now days not many want to weld, they want to work on computers.
I probably wouldn't last a week at lippert supervising the weld quality, I would have everyone fired.