Forum Discussion

MN_Ben's avatar
May 28, 2017

Lookin for FW w/ kitchen on drive side& windows on camp side

This is hard to do as most of the kitchens seem to be located curbside. There is no real simple search that gogle can provide results. I tried searching this site as well but that does not work so well either.
We want windows/seating on the campsite side so we are not watching our neighbors all the time like we do now. So it seems like if the rigs have the kitchen on the drivers side, the nice big windows end up on the camp side.
I am not looking for the new rigs. I am looking in the 2000-2008 year range. I was hoping to keep the budget below $8k. Going too old and the bed room needs to be crawled into.
So far I have found a 2006 Keystone Cougar 309 EFS.
Any suggestions for me?
Looking for...
curb side seating to see the campsite
able to stand in bedroom.