Forum Discussion

skibum_1260's avatar
Sep 16, 2013

looking for smaller lite toy hauler

So looking for my first toy hauler. Looking in the 17' range, must have a bathroom and weight is key.

So far the best candidate I can find is the KZ escape spree 17' -

dry weight is only 2400 lbs which is far less then I can find from anyone else even pop ups.

Are there any options I am missing? Looks like they just started these this year so I am having trouble finding a used one(would rather not buy new if I dont have to). I do even like the e2 style pop ups but even those are showing around 2700 lbs for weight dry for a pop up.

Thanks guys!
  • What about custom enclosed trailer TH conversions? Anybody have one? I know Forest River makes some but there's custom companies out there that do these "one off" style anyway they're ordered. Just assuming the quality of those would have way more attention to detail
  • My wife and I recently bought the Toy Hauler you are talking about the KZ Spree Escape E17FKTH and we love it.. Although bigger would be nice sometimes we didn't want anything too big.. We have it set up so we can trailer two dual sport motorcycles.. Our tow vehicle is our Ford E350.. Let me know any questions you have.. Cheers :)
  • Sorry skibum, I replied a 2nd time and forgotten you'd mentioned pop-ups already. the lightest trailer versions I'm finding are the Gulfstream Track&Trail, Forest River Cherokee Gray Wolf 19RR, XLR hyperlite, and Jayco Octane Superlite. But these all are around 3.5-4k UVW. Depending on your floorplan needs, there aren't a lot of options until you break the 7.5k GVWR range.
    I've even considered trading in my Tacoma for a Tundra just to have the larger options and payload, but since I'm an RV newbie I plan to play it safe and go small to start out -- then if it's something I don't love to do or do often enough to justify the hauler, then I'm out a lot less expense.
  • Here are a couple of small KZ's in the DFW area.
  • For a good lightweight option, there's always the pop-ups with a cargo deck style haulers. They usually fall into/under 2.5k UVW range and are less expensive, but the bathroom setup really suffers on those. And I'd assume they aren't as fierce weather tolerant as a rigid trailer model
  • Well I actually prefer tent camping but to try and get the wife to come along more often I have been looking at campers. Was looking at the R-pods and then found the 17' toy hauler which would be nice. I would usually only be hauling kayaks and bicycles. At most it would have one street bike or two dirt bikes in it so size wise that is all we really need. And on the weight why tow extra weight if I dont have to? I will be using a Jeep Wrangler for short distances close, but on longer trips have a Dodge 2500 Diesel to pull it with, but I just want simple and dont really have any need for anything larger, at this point anyway.

    So no comparisons? Love the airstrem basecamp but waaaaaay to much $ and no bathroom. Cool concept though.

    Thanks again.
  • Just curious, but why so small? Limiting your decision because of the tow vehicle? I'm sort of in the same boat, but looking to keep mine around 4k UVW.
  • Unless your "toys" are skateboards and/or minibikes a 17 ft toyhauler would be pretty uncomfortable for ME. You require a bathroom and so I'd assume a kitchen area also. I had a 24 ft 'hauler and never hauled a toy. It was comfortable. I doubt that I'd have liked it with even just one 4-wheeler even though 2 would fit in the cargo area. In these smaller 'haulers the living area becomes the cargo area and very little living area would be left after loading even 3 or 4 bikes. None of my business, of course. BUT, it might be wise to wait and get an appropriate tow vehicle first. Then a 'hauler capable of carrying the toys and still have some living space. Doing things in the correct order is usually less expensive in the long run.