I've looked at the Lt option before but maybe thinking of a different size. Regardless the capacity is too close for my comfort. The maxxis are in and March 2016 mfg date so that is the choice for this go round. Thanks for the options though.
Comparing ST capacity to LT tire is not the best idea. The two tire types are tested to different standards. ST tires got their inflated ratings based on the 65 mph speed restriction. Now Carlisle and maybe others with the use of mirrors and magic are raising the speed restriction. Not sure how they can do that other than in their marketing department. Carlisle with the RH release claims the new Nylon cap/ply is a great improvement. However the Marathon got the Nylon addition in the late 90's, and we know how will they last.
Anyway keep us updated from time to time on how your new tires are doing. Chris