I built up one of these inside a PVC electrical box. Two DC VOLTMETER for each of my two battery banks and one DC AMP meter for the total draw of DC amps... The meter face are glued to the back of the three switch panel...

Roy's image...
I mounted this three meter panel on the cabinet wall where you walkin into my POPUP trailer...

Roy's image
I can judge pretty good my 50% charge state by watching the DC meter panels showing the DC VOLTS level. If it approaches 12.0VDC this tells me my battery banks are down to around the 50% charge state level. This is when I will stop using my batteries until I get them charged up again to at least their 90% charge state... Otherwise I will start doing damage to my batteries...
There are a couple of neat DC POWER PANELS out there that will give a lot of info of your battery status... Some are expensive however...
My meters came from BLUE SEA sales on AMAZON. They are pretty bright when being used so I added a master ON-OFF switch to turn them off. Too bright to be used for nite light...
Roy Ken