OK folks. I'm here. Just been lurking waiting to see some facts such as pictures of the OP tires so we might have a chance to provide an idea of what may have happened.
Saying "Blowout" is of little more value than saying "failure". What it usually means is the subject tire was run significantly under-inflated for a number of miles at highway speed and what we end up with is a heat related "Run Low Flex Failure"
Now this is not what most want to hear as it means they can't point at the tire brand or at the zip code of the tire plant as the reason the tire failed.
I have to thank FastEagle and JIMNLIN for the boost and link to my blog.
For those interested I have 10 posts with "blowout" as a tag. Of particular interest should be the post of Sunday, July 22, 2012 titled "Blowout" A Real Life Experience". The owner of this tire posted a video on youtube so I was able to capture some reasonable quality views of the failed tire. It didn't take me long to identify the physical evidence that confirms this tire was run low for a number of miles at highway speed, despite the testimony that the owner had checked the inflation just 50 miles before the failure. I note that he even ventured the possibility the tire was defective, but has chosen not to respond to my repeated attempts to get in contact with his so he could educate himself better on the real causes for tire failures.
RE the LT tire that is identified as for trailer application only. I have been able to trace it to a new size & load range designed for Limo and trailer application. Yes it was made in Shandong, China but for those that constantly want to use geography as justification for their belief that the location of the tire plant is the primary reason for its failure.
I would also point out that that logic could be used to claim that RV refrigerators made in Elkhart, IN are of bad design and manufacture as most refrigerators that fail come from Elkhart.
I will leave you with a teaser. Here is a picture of an obvious failed tire.
I will be doing an autopsy on it and the results will be my blog post for this week. Take a look this weekend and see if you follow the logic trail and if you agree with my findings.