Fast Mopar wrote:
travelnutz wrote:
I will have nothing but Michelin LTX MS and now MS/2 on our diesel and gas trucks and Michelins on our SUV's etc since 1993.
Interesting comment. Michelin makes some tires in the US, but Michelin is a French company. You have many times spoken poorly of people who do not support US companies. Goodyear is a US company. Goodyear makes tires in the US and also in other countries, but it is still a US company. Goodyear produces their own rubber in the US for use in those plants. Argue if you want, but this is the business I am in, and these are the facts.
It's your money, and you can certainly choose to spend it any way you want. That's the great thing about living in the US. However, it seems rather inconsistent to speak poorly of people who purchase FCA vehicles because FCA is an Italian company, yet at the same time you buy tires from a French company.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but sometimes I get tired of these inconsistencies.
Inconsistencies you think ?? They buy USA when it suits them, and not when it doesn't .
Read the Ram Mafia comments on the Michelins, and then see them put down the Sailuns for the fifth wheels ,which IMO are a much better tire, and at half the price of Goodyear G614's . What I find hilarious about all this is the comment " The Goodyears are made in the USA " all the while driving a Fiat Ram ,and running Michelin tires on it. Now go figure that :h
As far as Michelins go I guess they give great service, but my experience has been terrible, poor mileage sidewall cracking etc. Its well documented on the cracking ,there is no denying that. Never had a tire with sidewall cracks other then Michelin. Even the Firestones, although they have terrible wear, they did not have any cracks.