Tire opinions are like A holes.....Everyone has one and they all stink!
And even old opinions can die hard. Me, never been a Firecrap fan.
But I've got some good (read: overloaded) miles on a set of OE Transforce ATs right now. Yes their horrible in wet Cascade snow. Most tires are, these are extra sucky, but I knew that just looking at the tread design and I chose not to sipe them due to treadwear carrying the camper.
Haven't had any Craigslist love when it comes to finding a good set of winter tires for this year cause the ones I got will not be heading up the mtn this winter. But, given the rugged service I've gotten out of the Tforces, I will likely be getting a set of destination MTs. Can't beat $900 for a 3600lb rated 34" tall 20" rim heavy mud tire. Siping will be required though.