Forum Discussion

fowlthing's avatar
Jan 20, 2021

Montana Front Living question...does the bumper hit often

We are very interested in the Montana FL camper 3710. But got reports yesterday that the rear end drags and the bumper gets damaged.

The person that has this camper is really sick about it and has torn the bumper off twice..

Any other reports or stories. Thanks for any insight or suggestions for other similar designed campers etc.
  • Thanks for the understanding is that it has happened on local paved roads...we do live in a hilly area.. thanks..
  • I would suggest you go over to the Montana Owners Club forum and ask the question. I know there have been a few that have had a problem with rear end drag on very uneven surfaces. Some have added skid plates or rollers. But I don't know what floorplans those were. But I don't know that it is any more of a problem on Montana than other 40' 5ers with long rear overhangs.
  • I would agree that that falls into the "Operator Error" category . .

    Without seeing the set up that is
  • I once had a 36ft Mobile Suites and it came from the factory with built in skids at the back. Only dragged on the skids once coming out of a rediculous steep and short gas station exit that I should not have used. Pure operator error.
    I agree that "this guy" either had a poor set up or operator error in where he was taking his unit.
  • Good reply above, from an obvious boat guy! :)

  • Not heard of a problem but some questions about this "guy":
    - Does he have the hitch height set up correctly. If it's bow high, that will put the stern low and make it more prone to dragging. That's operator error not an issue with the trailer.
    - Where did these incidents happen? Some driveways have a sharp change in grade from the road to the driveway. Was he boondocking on rough roads? Again, it could be operator error not considering where you are driving. If you are arriving at one of these situations, you need to stop/slow down and figure out if you can make it.

    There's nothing special that I can see about this unit, so I'm betting it's operator error.

    There are some things you can do to mitigate:
    - If the axles are attached above the springs, you can have it moved below gaining you 4-5 inches of clearance.
    - If you have enough space between the overhang and the bed rails, you can often move the hitch down which will raise the stern.
    - If you do come to a sharp grade change, cross it at an angle will usually help. If nothing else, have someone get out and watch while you creep slowly across it.