GoPackGo wrote:
I did what Old Biscuit suggested in his last line - I have 2 each 12-volt Grp 29 batteries in parallel.
I am a big fan of 6-volt batteries - had 4 of them in my trawler (replaced a stupidly heavy 4D), but in an RV where you have 2 each 6-volts in series you are completely dead if one of the 6-volts dies. If one of my Grp 29 batteries dies, I still have the other one working until I can get the dead one replaced.
I'm no expert but none of the 4D batteries I see are deep cycle. I understand they were originally developed as tractor/dozer starting batteries. Someone feel free to correct me if that is wrong.
This is the down-side to 12v batteries. True deep-cycle 12v batteries are =very= rare and even more expensive. For lighter use, 2 12v batteries are just fine, and are better than 1, but if you're doing =any= dry camping, then 2 6v are, IMO, the better choice because you can discharge them further, without damage, than you can 12v batteries. The =net= capacity is greater with 6v than 12v since, if you discharge the 12v to the same point as you can the 6v, you'll damage the 12v battery and reduce its life span.