I don't have a Cameo but I do have a 2008 Carriage product that might have some similarities and were trouble spots for me. Carriage does not put a top flange on their slides and relies on a gutter and double seal to keep water out. I bought my unit used and noticed some water staining on the top of the large slide. I removed the gutters and installed slide toppers which solved the problem. A slide topper may not be available if the unit you are looking at has the full wall slide.
Like the Cameo, my unit has a studded aluminum cage and hung fiberglass side walls. These are held in place with numerous zinc plated and painted tek screws, can't say if the Cameo is the same. The screws set up electrolysis immediately and start to rust out, each with the possibility of creating a water weep point. You can tell by rust staining around the head of the screw. I replaced all of my exterior screws with stainless with a dollop of silicone behind each one. Not a hard job but tedious as there were over 600 screws on my unit.
Carriage had an arrangement with Drain Master and installed electric dump valves which have been a total pain. I'm in the process of changing over the switches now. I hope you can pick a unit that has manual drain valves.
Our unit came with bonded leather upholstery which is deteriorating before our eyes.
Overall, we are very happy we bought a Carriage unit. They seem to specify high quality components and their construction is similar to the very high end trailers. Their cabinetry is very nice.