pcm1959 wrote:
irishtom29 wrote:
The MoRyde steps are a case of the manufacturers doing something for their benefit and getting the customers to think it's done for theirs.
I totally agree! Easier to install and no cut out in the side for the folding steps. However, the manufactures haven't taken advantage of the opportunity to place an entrance door anyplace which may offer up some new, innovative floor plans.
I think they have taken advantage. This is why you see so many Morryde steps being installed OEM. It allows the manufactures to eliminate the step box. The steps are ultimately easier / cheaper to install.
They have convinced the consumer that it's OK to bring a dirty wet set of steps into the living area:S as though that is a rational place to store the steps.
Truth is the novice RV owner doesn't see or understand the pitfalls of the MorRyde steps. Meanwhile the steps allow the manufactures to cut a corner and save a few pennies.
At the end of it all we can debate if the steps are an improvement for the consumer. But there is no debate that they benefit the manufacturer