Lantley wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
Lantley wrote:
Wow and I thought the fact that they dumped debris and water into the rig when retracted was an issue. Not being able to close the door is a serious deal breaker.
If you are prepared for it, it's really not an issue. It just takes a little time to learn the limitations of your rig and to analyze the campsite parking pad slope quickly. And to have enough lumber to accommodate any situation.
I don't disagree that the challenges of MorRyde steps can be overcome with enough effort.
However Glowsteps by Torxlift deliver the same stability without all the challenges. With GSR's there is no sweeping or wiping off. The steps stay on the exterior where they belong. They are very adjustable and can be leveled in many ways.
For me the negatives of the Mor Ryde steps outweigh the positives.
They create as many problems then they resolve
I was never really crazy about the idea of bringing exterior steps inside the RV. Now add in the fact that under the wrong circumstances you cannot close the door!I'll pass on the MorRyde steps there is a better mouse trap available
I have balance issues going up and down steps due to a stroke so a set that contacts the ground is a huge help to me. I installed a set of the Torklift Glosteps and could not be happier. I don't need to carry extra lumber to level or a separate step stool or anything to get the steps adjusted to where I want them. I can also deploy them in tight quarters such as a storage yard or rest area (vehicle parked next to you) and still safely access my 5th wheel. They stay on the outside of my 5th wheel so no mess inside. I am looking to purchase the handrail now to even provide better stability for me. The Glosteps are far superior to the other steps available today.