We love our fireplace. Could we live without it? Yes but we wouldn't want to.
We have a huge shower and I don't think I could go back to a smaller one. Our bathroom has two doors, a regular door in the hallway and a slider into the bedroom. I wish we didn't have a slider door from our bathroom into our bedroom. When DH gets up in the middle of the night, the light from the bathroom leaks into the bedroom and right into my eyes.
We don't have an outdoor kitchen. Looked for one as we spend a lot of time outdoors and do most of our cooking outdoors. We had to give other things up in order to get the outdoor kitchen so decided against it.
We thought about getting a rig with a king bed but would have had to go without nightstands so we went with a queen with nightstands and love it. Don't really care for the dresser in our bedroom as the drawers are small and almost useless.
We would get a washer and dryer if we were full timers.
Our furniture is pretty comfortable but I would upgrade if I could.