Scott16 wrote:
I agree with all the posts.
But, if someone doesn't post a mistake. How will
a Newbie like myself, having been researching for a year and understand from reading different theards about tires and when to replace tires, or what can happen if not heeded. I know i will file the information away. What can happen if you do not change your tires every 3 to 4 years. It could help another Newbie or two down the road, to take care of their tires. Nobody can plan a blow out on a good new tire, to many varibles to mention, other than doing the above to minimize the chance of a blowout and the damage that usually occures.
Just my .02 cents,
Many post mistakes they've made and some will chime in and say the same has happened to them or some may come on and tell someone how they messed up..It's human nature...and you read it. So you did learn, an most in here, if looking for more information will start a post as the OP did, or do a search to help them find out information
There are quite a few variables when it comes to the tires on our 5ers....How heavy is the 5er, how fast do you tow, do you tow in the mountains or on "flat land", what do you air your tires to, how old are they, where were they manufactured, how many miles do you have on them, and I may have left some info out. Most will change tires out in the 4th to 5th year they've had them, no matter how good they look, no matter how many miles they have on them....I'm speaking more about 5er's that are heavier than the OP's, but each has to use his common sense as to "when" one should change tires out, along with how much air to put in them and how fast one should tow....
mine is worth far less than .02 cents:).