Forum Discussion
Thank you, Stircrazy. This is what I was thinking, also. The wire damage I found was up in the battery compartment between the hydraulic pump and the outside wall. When I found the chewed wires a few years ago, I got on the forum trying to find the schematic for this 5th wheel, and mostly was told that Keystone is infamous for either not giving out that information or that they just didn't have the schematic in any form. One thing I'm not looking forward to (and never have been) is pulling those belly sections to get to the wire. Although I have noticed that there is a least one long section of wiring that was 'draped' along the outside of the belly panels. Because we do have the 5th wheel in the woods, there are mice and wood rats that get in. (We use a commercial mint spray to deter them, but there's no way to get that stuff between the inside of the trailer and the belly sections).
I have the battery at home now, and when I checked it after I got it here, it's still reading 10.5. I will charge it up again and see what happens. I'm also going to have to do a little homework on how to get to the converter, which I'm assuming is behind the electrical panel by the entry door.
Kind of strange that I've spent the last few years building our solar set up, including wiring and computing voltage drop off and re-wiring and getting new breakers for some of the equipment, with a lot of emphasis on my two Trace SW5548 inverters. Now I get to learn about converters and go the opposite direction! 😐 I'll let you know what I find out on this. But first, I have a septic system to finish before the weather changes on me. Thank you again! Lee
ya I don't think there is a company that releases their schematics. to me they are more of a design idea and the actual feild fit by the workers may differ, but it they say this is it then you find somthing different then they could be on the hook for issues.