12V DC comes from battery and/or converter.....goes to ON/OFF switch
From switch goes to junction box (usually on side of heater)
From junction box........RED wire goes to t-stats (High limit then to normal)
From t-stats power then goes to module (circuit board)
High voltage signal comes from module to spark electrode and at same time power goes to gas valve solenoid(s) BROWN wire
Check for 12V DC power to/thru switch
Check for 12V DC power to/thru t-stats (Reset high limit t-stat)
Then check for power from module to gas valve solenoid WHEN sparking at electrode occurs (6-8 seconds)
Power to module BUT no sparking.......
Bad module
Faulty spark electrode
Bad ground connections
Clean/tighten all ground connections
Clean spark electrode with emery cloth
Check high voltage wire to spark electrode
Check spark electrode ceramic for cracks
Have module bench tested