Charlie D. wrote:
JIMNLIN wrote:
FastEagle wrote:
Every major light truck tire manufacturer that I’ve researched disallow replacing original equipment special trailer tires with their light truck tires. Don’t take my word for it, do some researching.
Good gawd , here we go again with more ...... !!
I've checked with the LT tire makers for years before you ever pulled a RV and up to just last month and I haven't found what your implying to be true.
Jim, I value your opinion but BFG told me that my Commercial LT's were a misapplication and should NEVER be used on a trailer. Result-Refusal to honor a warranty on 2 failures. My position was that a tire that throws it's entire tread was a manufacturing defect-also the opinion of 2 tire dealers-regardless of what it was on.
Yet I could install them on my trailer without a problem! Why? My placard list LT235/85R16E's. Your trailer could be of equal size and weight yet you have a problem and I do not! This whole trailer tire thing is a mess and there are some that relish at the position that you are caught in as it forces the sell of your OEM tire type.
No one has every found anything in writing other than the suggestion that replacement tire should be equal to or greater than OEM tires. The word "must" is not used. Must is used for placard/tire matching for OEM manufactures, should is used for replacement.
Ask BFG to provide the government document that they are basing their position on.
The solution if buying new is get upgraded tires and a placard that matches or no deal. Which means GY G614 in many cases.