Forum Discussion

Duane87's avatar
May 30, 2014

Need 2007 weekend warrior holding tank descriptions

I just bought a used 2007 weekend warrior FTL4005 and I need some help figuring out the different holding tanks. As I said I got it used without all the manufacturer info. Trailer shows black #1, black #2, and galley. Just wondering what's plumbed to what. I'm sure I could figure it out thru trial and error but I'll be living in it for awhile and would appreciate the help. Thanks.
  • My 2008 FSC 3200 has panel lights for two gray tanks. It actually only has one, maybe some units have two thus the extra panel lights. The two fresh water tanks should be tied together to make one big tank. Take a look at the dump handles small outlet for gray big outlet for black.
  • My 2006 had two 75 gallon fresh water tanks and separate 50 gallon tanks for black and gray use. The only other tanks on the under side were a 20 and 40 gallon fuel tank.