You won't be disappointed with that truck! They are nice rigs indeed. One thing I would recommend is getting the supplemental air suspension that Ram offers. It will make your unloaded ride softer and keep you dead level no mater how your pin weight fluctuates (which happens a lot on a toy hauler due to the garage changing the pin weight.)
As to the pin weight, I have not heard back from my contact at XLR but it is Labor Day so I'm assuming he won't be thinking work until tomorrow. If I don't hear back from him by tomorrow night, I'll try him again. However, Couch's sells more XLR's than anyone so if that's the number they are showing, I'm betting it's correct. You could also try calling them in the AM. I would ask for Brannnon. He's their sales manager and a top notch low pressure guy. Tell him Rodney from MA gave you his name. He'll remember me.