Forum Discussion

TravelinPI's avatar
Mar 23, 2016

New to RVing - Questions

We are new to RVing and will be hitting the road full timing in May in our new Bighorn 3010RE. We were hoping some of you experienced RVers could answer a couple questions for us:

1. We love to cook and were looking to get ideas for the best grill to use on the road.
2. Any recommendations for the best TV/satellite/dish system?
3. How do you measure height of RV when hooked up and with dish or anything else on the top?
4. Does anyone use (or is there even a need) to consider an alarm security system for the 5th wheel when you are gone for the day and is there any need to lock up the whole 5th wheel somehow so no one takes the whole RV when you are out for the day?

Thanks a lot

Don and Patty
  • b_pilot wrote:
    We are not full time but do travel a lot in our 5th wheel. Our current one is our third one.
    We really like the Weber Q series for a gas grill. I also cook outside with an electric skillet.
    I use the dish network tailgater. It works great and is easy to set up.
    I use a GPS locater in my 5th wheel. We had a 5th wheel stolen so I use the GPS in case my current one is stolen. It is great because as soon as someone backs into your unit to hookup, it will call you and email you. You can then track your rig and know exactly where it is. I also had a truck stolen and it had a gps in it and the truck was recovered within an hour.

    Would like more info on the GPS in your FW and how it's set up, especially how it "knows" when someone, other than you, is hitching up.

  • TravelinPI wrote:
    We are new to RVing and will be hitting the road full timing in May in our new Bighorn 3010RE. We were hoping some of you experienced RVers could answer a couple questions for us:

    1. We love to cook and were looking to get ideas for the best grill to use on the road.

    Find one you like, and get it. Make sure you can use the quick-connect, if your FW has it.

    2. Any recommendations for the best TV/satellite/dish system?

    Don't have one, so can't answer. My personal preference would be a portable dish, but that's just me.

    3. How do you measure height of RV when hooked up and with dish or anything else on the top?

    Get a 2x4 long enough to extend over the edge of the FW, some string and a contractor's level. Tie the string to one end of the 2x4, then lay the board across the highest point on the roof. Level the board and have someone down below mark the string where it hits the ground. Measure the string.

    4. Does anyone use (or is there even a need) to consider an alarm security system for the 5th wheel when you are gone for the day and is there any need to lock up the whole 5th wheel somehow so no one takes the whole RV when you are out for the day?

    Were I full-timing, I'd certainly consider it, though I'd probably go for a "silent" alarm that would alert me via my phone and not set off an external alarm. I'd also consider a few hidden HD cameras and a hidden recorder, with it's own, separate, power supply and maybe even a LoJack-style tracker, but that's really getting paranoid. :-) Don't forget that almost =all= RVs use a common key for their storage compartments so, unless you're willing to change all the locks to something different, don't keep anything you can't afford to lose in the lockers. Also, the storage doors, even if locked, can easily be punched with a screwdriver and cut with a drywall saw or simply pried open with a crowbar. Main door isn't much better. You can get various locks that lock the king pin to make it harder for someone to steal the whole rig, but they only slow down a truly determined thief. You could also add some aircraft cable and heavy padlocks through the wheels.

    Thanks a lot

    Don and Patty
  • We are not full time but do travel a lot in our 5th wheel. Our current one is our third one.
    We really like the Weber Q series for a gas grill. I also cook outside with an electric skillet.
    I use the dish network tailgater. It works great and is easy to set up.
    I use a GPS locater in my 5th wheel. We had a 5th wheel stolen so I use the GPS in case my current one is stolen. It is great because as soon as someone backs into your unit to hookup, it will call you and email you. You can then track your rig and know exactly where it is. I also had a truck stolen and it had a gps in it and the truck was recovered within an hour.
  • We also have a BH3010 and do enjoy it we came from a 30' tt this experience helped us in what DW and I wanted with our new 5th wheel
    Cooking: had the dealer add a quick connect propane line so don't need to carry propane bottles...we use a Camp Chef 3 burner stove for outside cooking. For the occasional craving for grilled meat we just use a cheep mini Weber type charcoal cooker.
    Satellite, had the dealer set up a Weingard Pathway 2 on the roof with a receiver in the front and one in the bedroom. We use the Dish RV account so only paying for service when on the road.
    Security: haven't had any problems so far...try to use your street smarts when evaluating you're camping situation, on the most part your fellow RVers are great people that will keep watch on your rig.
  • We like the "Q" BBQ as a general catch all it is hard to beat.

    But I have to admit we got a "Instant Pot" and although it is new to us, it is really fun to cook with. (Its a fancy pressure cooker)BBQ is used mostly for meat, the Instant pot good for other stuff. It is elec but it cooks so fast doesn't really matter about elec use. Yesterday I made 3 pounds of pulled pork in 35 min.

    Enough for 2 of us for 4 meals. Pulled pork sandwiches and then pulled pork enchiladas next day.

    My measurement is my "high clearance" measurement. As in the highest thing on the roof I have, so I know if I have clearance to get under something without hitting it.
  • 1. We started Tent Camping and cooking over an open fire, that migrated to Coleman propane stoves and griddles. That migrated to electric. So now, we use a flat electric griddle and an electric skillet. A lot of people will give you advise on their favorite grill. We discovered from cooking over a fire to using a propane grill, clean is no fun. When we switched to electric, it simplified greatly. I strongly suggest you carry an electric skillet AND a grill. You have options then.

    2. At home, we've had Brighthouse (cable) and when we moved to the country we've had both DishTV and DirectTV. Both worked OK, except they continued to jack up the prices beyond reason. We finally canceled and use over-the-air only now. Either will work good for an RVer, BUT over-the-air is absolutely free! Consider your options.

    3. If you don't have a tape measure, just use a piece of rope or string. stretch it from the ground to the highest point on the trailer. If the air conditioner is higher, add the distance to the string from the roof the trailer to the top of the air conditioner, then measure the string. I measured mine from the top of the radio antenna, which is the highest thing on the roof.

    4.Never had a need for an alarm system. We've always been fortunate to park our camper at home. If you get an alarm system, it might be wasted money. By the time a storage facility reacts, or you are able to drive to a storage facility, your camper will be ransacked. A security system will require power, either battery or electric. Something else to consider.

    As far as being out for the day? We've never had our camper messed with, but we always camp in State or Private Parks too. We don't boom-dock.

    Ours is a travel trailer and not a 5er, but I DO keep a hitch lock on the camper 24x7. I have one, why not use it?
  • 1. Weber Q series gets great reviews. I also like Charbroil Grill2Go. Both are well made and have high lids so you can close the lid over your food.
    2. I use OTA antenna but use the advanced forum search and it is often discussed.
    3. To measure height it's easiest to use a broom handle held level with the top of whatever you are wanting to measure and held out to the edge of the RV and have someone else use the tape measure from that to the ground.
    4. There are pin locks for the hitch pin. There are also some battery alarm systems sold (mostly motion sensors so might not work well with pets), but I don't recommend an trigger happy alarm as you are usually close to neighbors who will be pretty annoyed with you if your alarm is going off and you aren't there. Maybe one with a magnetic sensor for the front door would be better but I don't really see these either. Most just lock up when we leave, and some don't even do that. More likely to be broken into in storage than while camping.
  • 1. For a grill I use a smoky Joe, but it's charcoal. For gas grills many folks use the Weber Q, comes in assorted setups. For a propane stove you'd have to be more specific, # of burners and such. I hear Camp Chef's are good, you'd have to look them over as they run the gamete. In an effort to keep it small, I just picked up an Iwatani one burner butane stove, as the old Coleman finally bit the dust a couple weeks ago.
  • Welcome, we have been RVing for over 10 years, and are planning to go full time next month! I tried the tailgater, with no luck. Installed a King Quest on top of the 5er, and have had no problems. We have had several portable grills over the years, but DW prefers cooking inside on the stove, Also use the "ninja" slow cooker a lot! Good luck, enjoy!
  • Welcome and congrats.
    A little research on this forum will give you many ideas.
    1) we have an Olympic bbq and love it. There will be many suggestions of every kind out there. It's trial and error to find the one you like.

    2)We have DishNetworks Tailgater. It works for us and is cheaper than the ones mounted on the roof. As a beginner, don't get one of those grey dishes. It will drive you nuts trying to zone it in.
    3) I don't know...that's hubbie's job.
    4)Yes, lock your door and your compartments. You just never know who will decide your stuff should be theirs. After years of camping, we got lax this year and left our portable Hondagenerators out. They were stolen...oops. :)

    Now, a little more are you dealing with your mail? Does your insurance cover everything IN the rig as well as the rig itself?

    Have an awesome time...and keep a sense of humor.