Coach-man wrote:
lee worsdell wrote:
yes it will just run off your truck battery
Not quite true, would depend on make/model/year of truck. Some require truck to be running before charge RV battery!
There was some debate about this before.
We stored our RV at a park for a few months. They put it up for us and of course did not disconnect the battery.
I get there to pull it out, back in close enough to hook up but the landing legs won't move. So I connect the cord to the running truck and I can adjust the trailer to hook up to my FW. I connect, and cut the truck off. I walk back to raise the legs, no joy. At first I was bummed, then I remembered the debate on this forum.
I go back, crank the truck and up come the legs.
Of course I could have just turned the switch to the ON position but I cranked it.
This is a Ford BTW, I think GM is hot all the time.