Be men enough to actual mention who you are talking about.
I don't "bash" ! As I have said before I want new buyers to LOOK at a B&W and compare before blindly buying what the RV Dealer is trying to sell for one example. If someone is complaining about their hitch I will suggest they sell it and buy a b&w and say why. I give reasons and I above show why in pictures a pull test is not needed IMHO with a B&W. If people want to do a Pull test I don't care I used to with the RBW hitch I had for good reason. There are plenty others on here that do appreciate what I say and ask my opinion on the boards or sometimes on a PM probably because they don't want to be accused of "bashing" or being a "fanatic" or a "fan boy".
To the ones that get their panties in a wad and get all defensive if I mention their brand of hitch and start calling names, if you disagree with what I say tell me what is not correct or tell what is good about what you have.
In my personal experience B&W is the best non slider/non air ride hitch out there. If that hurts some feelings Sorry!
So If ya don't like what I say either ignore what I say or block me.