Sorry, I guess I should have put more facts into my original post.
Currently we have a rather large pop-up, and a portable generator that we bought last year, but never needed to use. I could pick up another Champion 3100/2800 inverter and a parallel kit for probably around $700 give or take. With two generators, that would give me 5600 running watts. We had to use it the other day cause we had power out at the house for a few hours. Something I couldn't do with an onboard genny.
We've only dry camped in Montana once and didn't need to worry about the A/C. Everywhere else we have gone in the past, at least electric at the site. With a different RV set up, this wouldn't be something so limiting.
With two generators, that would give me 5600 running watts. We had to use it the other day cause we had power out at the house for a few hours. Something I couldn't do with an onboard genny.
Plus, we would have to store it offsite so that would be a tempting piece of hardware for someone to want to steal.