patnchris wrote:
Thinking about my next trailer and have been contemplating an on board genset. I see that all (except a few toy haulers) have propane genesets. My issue with this is not that I think propane is bad, but that gensets are very thirsty. 30 lb. tanks won't last long and then you are left with looking for a place to fill them. I was wondering if anyone has contemplated using a gas genset with portable tanks, like boats. One could set up a quick connect (like an outboard motor) and when one tank was empty, just connect a secound one and then just go to a regular gas station to fill the empty....any thoughts?
It has been done, but you have to use the proper quick connect. Twin 30s won't last long if you have a 5kw genset running a couple of AC units. Get a spare tank so that you can use 100% of two tanks before refilling. Desert camping you will probably be going to town every couple of days.