Forum Discussion

Steakman's avatar
Aug 06, 2015

One tough Generator..!! Champion 3000i

Last year, we had bought a Champion 2000i, a good little unit we found at Costco up here in Calgary. It ran me about $550.00 but could not run the AC.

Unfortunately at the time it's all they had. A couple of months later I am walking through Costco and see their 3000i...ahh man.!! So after ten minutes of mental deliberation and convincing myself I really did need a 3000...I bought it.

Went home cleaned up the 2000i - swapped accessory packs and brought it back to Costco sans Fuel..and not a question was asked - Full refund.! The best returns policy on the planet.

Fast forward to this summer: I have a U shaped 5th wheel tailgate and typically set my genny in the back up against the tailgate..done so many times not thinking of it. Never was an issue.

We head out to the Shushwap in BC...and not 50k from Calgary I just happened to look in my rearview and ****ed if I don't see my Genny doing 74 mph down the freeway - landing in the grassy divider..!!!

I near had a cardiac...

Pulled over - put the 4 ways on.. and retrieved it. While walking the 200 meters, thankful & grateful that no one was directly behind me when it went for its trek.! I shudder to think of the damage/accident that might have caused.

Surprisingly there was no major damage. a few cracks in the plastic but other than that it seemed ok. I put it back in the truck box - strapped down (and from now on), and off we went. At the campsite, flipped the fuel switch - turned on the power and gave it a pull - started on the first try. (fist pump.!)

A Happy ending that could have ended very badly.. and a testimonial on a pretty tough generator.


  • Toddupton wrote:
    You took a one year old (1/6 of a year) perfectly working generator back to the store?
    Costco must be making record profits to be able to do that.
  • tmm2good wrote:
    Toddupton wrote:
    You took a one year old perfectly working generator back to the store?

    I know Costco has an incredible return policy, I thought they were tightening that up on electronics. I work with a guy who takes way to much advantage of this policy..IMO

    That is just WRONG! I guess you can just buy clothes and use them for a year then take them back and get more. Or better yet buy some new tires put a year of use on them and then take them back and get better ones.
  • Toddupton wrote:
    You took a one year old perfectly working generator back to the store?

    I know Costco has an incredible return policy, I thought they were tightening that up on electronics. I work with a guy who takes way to much advantage of this policy..IMO
  • You took a one year old perfectly working generator back to the store?
  • Hope my new Honda never makes that trip, but if it does I hope it's just as tough. Many years ago I bought a new washer and dryer, the loading dock just put them in the back of my trailer and put the boxes back on them. They did not tie them down, said they were fine as is. Ten miles down the road wind sucked them out. now everything is tied down no matter what someone says. Lesson learned.
  • Too bad we can't say the same about the toughness of our RV's... :-( Glad there was no major damage to the gen, your FW or anyone else on the road.
