Forum Discussion

outwestbound's avatar
Mar 28, 2014

optimal 5er carrying capacity

Hi. I'm considering a number of 35-40 foot 5ers for full timing. I just read a comparison guide by Randall Eaton that I bought from JR Consumer Resources. In this, the author reports that payloads (GVWR minus "dry weight")for most travel trailers and 5ers run about 18% to 25% and that the optimal range is 25% to 35%. If payload is below 18% of the GVWR, the author suggests this could be problematic as it may lead to overload.

For example, Heartland's 2014 Big Country 5er BC 3070 RE's GVWR is 14,000 and dry weight 11,298, yielding a carry capacity of 2,702 or 19.30%; just making the cut according to the author.

I'm a newbie and clueless what all my "stuff" will weigh, but my wife and I will be full timers and this ratio concerns me. I would like very much to believe that I could NOT approach the GVWR, thereby allowing a good cushion.

Could folks chime in one what "stuff" weighs. I define stuff as everything (e.g., batts, LP, fluids, all personal and household)loaded onto the 5er.

Is maxing out carrying capacity wise?
Do you agree with this author's ratios?

I really appreciate it as I don't want to buy an in adequate 5er and then be unsatisfied when we load it up.

PS: TV is not an issue. I'm getting a 1 tone DWR.