Water-Bug wrote:
neal10a wrote:
Water-Bug wrote:
neal10a wrote:
It has more to do with ground plane and polarization. The antenna's used on RV cameras do not develop a ground plane and therefore need to rely on external sources. In this situation the ground plane is variable and unpredictable while in motion which effects radiated signal strength greatly. Marine and aircraft antennas have their ground planes designed into the them and therefore the RF radiation is more constant.
BS !!!
OK genius, what is your enlightened explanation for the signal attenuation--
Reread camperkilgore's post immediately preceeding yours.
If your going to call someone's post "BS", you should provide your explanation as to why and not hide behind someone else's explanation. I don't mind being insulted if someone has something to offer that I could learn form-- otherwise I consider it plain rude and uncalled for.