Forum Discussion

TayzGpa's avatar
Aug 02, 2013

Parallax 7300 series Converter/Charger Wire Hot

I am not quite sure how to word this so I'll try to be as clear as I can.
I bought a 2006 Wildcat a couple of months ago.

One evening I decided to use the outside "night lights" (don't know what else to call them). My camper has 2 white round outside lights and 2 amber (oval shaped) outside lights. Anyway, I turned all four on using the two switches inside the camper. After a few minutes I noticed an "electrical smell" coming from the converter. I opened the cover and felt around on the insulation on the wires and noticed that the white wire marked "Neg Batt" was extremely hot. Hot enough that I could not hold my finger on the insulation. I suspect that is where the electrical smell is coming from. I turned off the outside lights and after a few minutes the white "neg batt" wire cooled down. I turned them on again and sure enough, the white wire got hot again.

Does anyone know what might be causing this to happen and how might I go about fixing it (if possible)? :?:
I was connected to the 30 amp outlet at the camp ground. Everything seems to work ok and the wire only gets hot when I turn on the outside lights.
  • It would indicate those white "scare lights" take a lot of juice.
  • Did the entire wire get hot or just at the general location of the converter connection? If it is just at the converter then that connection is loose/corroded (take it apart, clean it, and put back together securely)

    If it is the entire wire then you are drawing more current than the wire should carry. In other words the wire is under sized for the combined load of everything. Replace it with much larger wire.
  • I just had a Parallax poop out on me. We would occasionally smell something burning but couldn't locate the problem.

    On the converter board, located behind the 12v fuse panel, there are 4 or 5 resistor along one side. If they've failed the board will probably look scorched. When mine failed the toroidal core transformer had a melt down. That's the large round donut shaped thing with wires wound on it.

    These are fairly well known for taking there own vacation. I checked the price for direct replacements and didn't like spending that much on a unreliable product. I ended up getting a Power Dynamics PD9260. It was in the $165 range with shipping and about $100 less than the Parallax.
  • Havent gotten to the point of pulling the charger/converter out so I don't know if it is getting hot at the connector, or if the entire wire is getting hot.
    I did notice that the circuit board near the "Neg Batt" connector looks burned.
    I am going to try and open up the converter a little more to see if I can see anything odd. checked all the connections at the battery and at the ground near the battery. Everything looks and feels tight. Even though it looks clean and tight, I will try cleaning the neg battery cable at the converter and see if that helps. Thanks everyone. You're all awesome.
  • Well, Ok... I guess the short version of this story is to say that I wound up disconnecting the "Batt Neg" wire from the converter and even though the wire looked good (not corroded, burned, etc), I cut off the exposed wires, trimmed back the insulation, reconnected to wire to the terminal and tested by turning on the outside lights. Left it running for about 4 hours. When I checked the wire, it was warm, but not hot. Not NEAR as hot has it had been before. So I'm calling this journey complete. Thank you all for the tips and help. You are AWESOME!
  • Well, Ok... I guess the short version of this story is to say that I wound up disconnecting the "Batt Neg" wire from the converter and even though the wire looked good (not corroded, burned, etc), I cut off the exposed wires, trimmed back the insulation, reconnected to wire to the terminal and tested by turning on the outside lights. Left it running for about 4 hours. When I checked the wire, it was warm, but not hot. Not NEAR as hot has it had been before. So I'm calling this journey complete. Thank you all for the tips and help. You are AWESOME!