Forum Discussion

Bnadon's avatar
Aug 27, 2019

Parking Light with Jumper

Hi all, I Bought a Puma 2012 259 RBSS, All working well But The thing Is when i try to get my Parking light on With a 10a fuse in the 7way connector My parking light dont work, Then i tough its was a groud Problem , so i try to plug my 7way in my truck without being coupled and Its work fine, all my light open .. so now what can be the problem ?

Sorry for my bad english :P
  • Some people think it looks cool. Its not for me but if someone else wants to do it thats fine by me unless the rear of their trailer is 10 feet from my campfire or they leave them on all night. I would much rather see a red glow than these people that leave their scare lights on all night on both sides of the trailer lighting up the whole campground
  • I am still waiting for somewhat of the same answer, Philh.
    He started asking about "Parking lights". Parking light term hasn't been used in years!
    Other posters read it as tail lights and clearance lights from their posts.
    Maybe he is one of those RVs that likes to llight up the campground!
  • Why are you looking to power the running lights on the trailer?
  • Look at the diagram above. The red wire on your trailer is not passing electricity from your trailer battery. Or the negative wire is not letting the electricity back into the battery.

    1. If you have a disconnect switch make sure it is allowing power through the switch. You can check by turning on an interior light
    2. The trailer battery is dead. Verify by turning on an interior light
    3. The trailer battery negative wire is not hooked to a good clean bare spot on the trailer frame
    4. Less likely, your truck and trailer wiring are not standard and you are just using the wrong terminals

    Do you have a multimeter or a 12 volt test light?
  • you sure you are jumping the correct 2 terminals? Red and Brown on this diagram should be jumped

    Moderator edit to re-size picture to forum recommended limit of 640px maximum width.

  • Since they worked when plugged into your truck, I'd say there was some problem with the jumper you made.
  • The center pin of the trailer connector should be for back up lights. the purple wire in the trailer cord should power your docking lights.
    Need to query what you are calling parking light?
  • The trailer charge circuit is not hooked to battery or blown fuse in charge circuit line on trailer.