rockhillmanor wrote:
Comparing motorcycles to riding in a TT or FW??
Is there 'anyone' on this forum that has 'not' seen all the pictures and videos posted of what happens when a TT/FW jack knifes and/or turns over, etc?
They literally explode into pieces. Nothing recognizable remains after most crashes.
THAT in itself should be the reason not to put pets or family IN a RV trailer while it is being towed.
To paraphrase: "Is there 'anyone' on this forum that has 'not' seen all the pictures and videos posted of what happens when an airplane crashes?"
You can't say it's unsafe simply because the aftermath is just pieces. If that were true then it would be totally unsafe to ride in airplanes, buses, and trains. Most of them are reduced to trash after a major crash. But you're safer in any of those than you are in your car/truck. And if you compare the number of RV's involved in accidents, you're probably more likely to be involved in an accident in your car or truck, than to be involved in an accident in your RV.