rhagfo wrote:
I am more than a little lost on why you need to know EXACTLY what you pin is going to weigh.
If you are concerned because you are pushing payload then you need a bigger TV!
If you just want to know good, luck, take empty trailer and it's pin and then figure out were you are adding weight, then figure out how that affects the pin. Keep in mind tandem axles are not a perfect fulcrum.
I bought a Cyclone one time and then discovered I was almost 1000 lbs. over on rear axle weight. Then went and bought an F450. Not doing that again.
But once I get my SRW weighed, then I can determine which camper is good for us. Just because a manufacturer says the pin weight is 2200 lbs., it may realistically be 2800 lbs..
I screwed up years ago but learned my lesson. Not going to do that again. I don't want to rule out a camper that's within specs for us and I don't want to buy one that's too much. Not sure why anyone would be lost on that.