fj12ryder wrote:
"Not cheap"??!! Boy howdy is that an understatement. :) Over $5000 for a 30' trailer, way too rich for my blood.
They don't just apply the roof. The preparation includes removal of everything on the roof including a/c's and antennas, etc. After the roof is sprayed on they reinstall the a/c's with new gaskets, new vent covers, MaxAire vent covers if they weren't there to start with and antennas, etc.
I have lost all faith in any rubber roofs and if I was buying a new rig today I would make an appointment tomorrow to have RV Flex Armor installed and just consider the cost of buying the rig. It simply isn't worth it to me to have to worry about leaks, caulking issues, etc. A minor leak that isn't noticed can destroy your entire rig and most leaks not caused by physical damage aren't covered by insurance. I did have a rubber membrane failure with moisture actually leaking through the membrane. The failure points were where the condensation drips out of the a/c units.