Old-Biscuit wrote:
Me Again wrote:
Stop by and I will show you the weed burner tripping on several tanks I have.
What he calls 'The Excess Flow Valve' in OPD is the spring loaded shutoff that does not allow flow w/o a fitting connected.....either POL or ACME. They hold that valve open allowing propane to flow. As long as the fitting is attached that spring loaded valve will remain open.
It is NOT an Excess Flow Device.........it is a Safety Valve that prevents propane from spewing out of a cylinder that is not connected.
Did you go to any of his links and read them...None describe an excess flow device in the OPD.
In POL and ACME but not OPDs
Better read this one!
http://www.qualitypropaneandfuels.com/faq.phtmlWhy does my grill have a very low flame at times?
The new style of Overfill Protection Device valves have an excess flow safety feature built-in that limits the amount of propane allowed to escape the tank. Sometimes, the excess flow can slug shut if the grill valve has been turned on before the valve on the tank has been turned on or if the valve is opened too quickly. Simply shut off all off the valve on the tank, wait for 10 seconds, and start over. Turn the tank valve on very slowly, turn the grill valve, and light the grill.