eHoefler wrote:
Most likely tripped the OPD, Overflow Protection Device. Close the valves on the tanks, bleed off the pressure, then open the valve very slowly.
OPD has NOTHING to do with propane vapor delivery to trailer.
It is to stop the filling of liquid propane into the cylinder
OPD is internal of propane cylinder
The 'Excess Flow' device inside the ACME Green Nut limits the flow of propane when it trips due to 'increased flow' downstream of ACME Nut.
Usually it will trip when first opening the service valve too fast.
Closing the service valve, wait 30 seconds and then SLOWLY open service valve will reset the Excess Flow Device
Could be a bad pigtail.
Could be tripped Excess Flow
Could be LP Reg
Start with closing service valve and then slowly opening it back up to reset Excess Flow.
IF still having issues....swap cylinders and repeat.
If problem just with one side/cylinder then pigtail is suspect
Problem with both sides.......regulator