Forum Discussion

FunnyCamper's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 27, 2013

Pulled the Trigger!!

Bought a Heartland Torque 325 toyhauler today.

Love it! fingers crossed it performs great for us and we only have little problems with it. Only can hope :)

We moved fast on this buy. Traded a 2013 Wilcat 5'ver. Hubby was chomping at the bit to get rid of the wildcat and get a hauler. So we took the plunge.

got it home today. gonna goof around with it and take it back for install of the genny and a few extras I want added (extra D rings etc).

The genny was a pain. Info got all confusing on it. We did get the Onan 5.5 EVAP but only can run gas right now. the conversion package needed to make it run on propane can only be purchased by a certified Onan mechanic and the guy at this place isn't certified. ugh. So we got the EVAP put it, will take it to camping world in the future cause the service guy there is Onan certified and we can get the conversion package put on it. but will do that later. no hurry.

The fun of having a new rv is priceless :)

can't get a trip out until Oct. 18 when we hit the beach for 4 days. work schedule/school schedule is hampering us right now darn it.

So official toyhauler owner here.
  • broccoli2 wrote:
    Why do you want to run on propane?

    Because you can...? back up/just in case/show off/just want to...just a few of the ones I could think of... ;-)
    I have read here that it EATS propane like a kid eats candy.
  • Thanks jimtoo. I will definitely check the Heartland site :)

    dieseldan, CONGRATS also!!

    I don't know the cost yet. I have to call camping world and chat with them about this. at least right now I can run on gas without problems, but I do want that conversion package. service guy says the EVAP runs on both propane or gas so I figure down the road I will have that installed. I THINK he said it should not be that expensive to do this but will call and check.

    I am picking mine up tomorrow! I can't wait. We also got the Onan 5.5 EVAP but didn't know there was an LP conversion! I will be checking into that. Do you recall how much that addition cost?