I have said this several times, but here we go again. You better know you weights and what the truck is rated for. You can move any fifth wheel made with a Ford F-150/Chevy 1500/Dodge 1500 series but you can't tow it safely. Also, have an accident, you might be in a court of law with a lot of smart engineering types and have to PROVE you were not overweight. I am not an engineer but retired LE, and I see more and more of this "lets make a half ton pull what a 3/4 to 1 ton can". Then it goes up with one tons pulling what a class five or six vehicle should pull. You can move a parade float made up of an semi-trailer with a dolly under the front with the air brakes pinned off, with a Ford F-150. But you sure can't control it. I have pictures of what happens when you try it. Bottom line, know you numbers.