Forum Discussion

bentpushrod's avatar
May 12, 2013

Puma unleashed 356

I'm a new member here, been lurking for about a year. Getting ready to bite the bullet and order a Puma Unleashed 356qlb toy hauler from Labadie RV. This should be quite a step up from our current RV, a '74 Travco 270 class A. The old Travco has served us well, with trips to Sturgis with my Harley strapped down on back. It also gets used every weekend in the summer for camping at local campgrounds. But as a family of five with a dog, it gets pretty cramped, so time for the toy hauler. From the research I've done, the Puma has everything we need, people seem to be happy with them, and you can't beat the price. No dealers around here carry them, so going to buy sight unseen. I've never seen a 356, let alone been in one, so this is a bit of a gamble. Going to get a Reese Goose Box, and will be towing it with my '94 F350 Powerstroke.
  • Anyone have a real world pin weight for a 356? How about a measurment from the floor to the loft and from the floor to the beds in the up postion? I'm 6'3" so that could play into my choices. Thanks
  • Thanks for the feedback! I'm not worried about the width, the only toys I plan to haul is my Harley, which won't be often, and maybe my golf cart once in awhile, but not both at the same time. I've done a lot of looking, thought about used. Up here in western ND used toy haulers do not last long due to the oil boom, and they are generally pretty pricey.

    I'm paying 30k to have this delivered to my door from Ohio. I could get under 30 if I went to get it, but its not worth my time, I'd have to take time off from work. Very excited to get this unit.
  • We have a 2011 Puma 298fqu. No slide, no generator no kids and works great for us. As stated before, it's not finished out like a Raptor which is fine. In 8 years we will likely replace it for a new trailer anyway.

    Our quads are Ranchers and without the garage wall like the 356, we drive one in and rotate the other.

    In the two years we've owned the trailer, i've yet to have the 'why'd they do that' thought regarding anything in the trailer.
  • We have a 2012 Puma 356. We did a lot of research before our purchase and this unit offered the most bang for the buck. Fully equipped with every option including a 4k genny was about 37k, around 10k less that some comparable units we looked at.
    Like lawnspecialties said, width wise they are a bit narrow but we are able to fit our Honda Rancher quads in side by side with only a few inches to spare.
    We have had it for about a year and have had some minor issues but overall we are very happy with it, I think you will be too.
  • Good choice. Although not one of the "fancier" toy haulers like a Raptor, Cyclone, etc., they are good RVs. We had a Puma TT for four years and it was so much more dependable than our Cyclone, you'd be amazed.

    Biggest negative to us was the width. They are around 96" inside. Almost impossible to squeeze two quads in side by side. But that may be of no issue to you and your needs.

    That truck should be fine. Happy camping. :)