Forum Discussion

louisianamom's avatar
Sep 11, 2014

Q about price! New 5th wheel owner!

Hi everyone! My husband and I are in the process of buying our first fifth wheel. We are aware these things have a pretty high mark up. I am wondering if this would be considered a "good deal" before we move forward. It is a 2015 a Open Range 3x 388RKS 5th wheel. Priced at $83,200, they are offering $59,000 without tax. This price includes washer and dryer, installation of washer and dryer, them moving it and setting it up for us 20 miles to the RV park we are stationed at. I thought this was a good deal when we left because she said the washer/dryer/installation is about $2000, so I figured we were basically getting it for $57,000. I did some research and I saw where you shouldn't walk out without at least 35-45% off. This is only about 31% off. Please fellow 5th wheelers, give me your insight and honesty! This is a totally NEW world for us!
  • I sent you a PM that may help you compare that price. Good luck
  • I see your in Colorado? Do you plan to live in it over the winter there? Bad idea IMHO as for price? You might get a little more off, but that does not sound bad too me