yellow dog wrote:
RetiredRealtorRick wrote:
As long as American buyers continue to accept mediocrity as the norm, nothing will ever change.
Very True...It should start with sales reps learning their products.
I fully agree. When I was in the automobile business, I insisted my sales force know everything possible about the product they were selling, PLUS knowing as much as they could about their competitors. I wanted my Mercedes salespeople to know as much about BMW's as possible, etc. It allowed me to pass out some pretty handsome checks at the end of every month . . . including my own.
That being said, with the vast array of information available online, every buyer should walk into a dealership with a very good knowledge of the product he's looking at. Yes, the salesman 'should' be well-versed, but we all know that's not always the case. Due diligence is easier than ever nowadays, and it's our responsibility to be educated buyers.