Forgot to say or add this to my post earlier. My cousin's hubby said this to us many years ago when we 1st considered getting our coach. He said: "Make sure it is 99% exactly what you want and not say we will make it work". "If it's not what you like/want, you won't be happy".
Laknox is right on having your partner 100% involved. I knew we were at/above truck limits ('15 F350 SRW we had at the time)when we got the BC. No probs 1st year, but being over going to FL in height/heat of summer created a gut feeling that wouldn't go away. Didn't want to get a DRW, but did so. Towing wise, it's awesome. DW even likes towing w/ the DRW over SRW we had w/ same coach. DRW stinks in the snow tho.