Forum Discussion

shadows4's avatar
Explorer III
Jan 20, 2014

Question on camp chairs

Ok people, got a question for ya.
We carry 6 chairs with us. There is only the wife and I. We use 2 director type folding chairs mostly. We also carry 2 bag chairs that we keep under the bed in the 5er. A couple of years ago I scored a real good price on a couple of zero-gravity chairs like these.
We have used these maybe 2 times in the three or four years we have had them. I rearranged the front basement storage area so we could take them with us. They had been in the garage most of the time. I am thinking about just getting rid of them. They take up a lot of space and our basement storage area is not huge like on some of the larger 5er's.
My question is how many chairs do you all bring with you? And how often do you use the extras?
Thanks, John
  • rhagfo wrote:
    We carry four, two simple folding directors chairs from the Kennedy Space Center, and two super comfy chairs from CW like these, love when there is a chill in the wind, you are protected.

    We have the same two chairs as rhagfo from CW. then we have 2 of Coleman folding chairs and some times I throw in the wife's gravity recliner chair if we are gone more than a few days. BUT the 4 cairs above stay in the camper basement at all times. Those 2 CW chairs take up lots of room compared to the 2 coleman chairs.
    IF I know the 2 younger kids might show up I may throw a couple of bag chairs in the truck bed for extra seating.
  • Same here, dang zero gravity chairs are comfortable but they are heavy and bulky so rarely get used lol lol. We are looking at those Club chairs now since we sat in one at an RV show and they are very comfortable. Bag chairs are no problem to carry and need them for guests.....
  • We have carried 8 or more when the three kids camped with us. Now that it's just Wifey and I, we bring 4 chairs of our favorite liking. If more seating is needed the guests can use the picnic table or drag over their own. No biggie.
  • You sound like us. Just the two of us and we have 2 zero gravity chairs that are rarely used, 4 bag chairs and 2 folding directors chairs "just in case we have company" as DW says! I have already decided to do a major clean out this spring. Will most likely keep 2 bag chairs and the 2 directors chairs, all the rest are going in storage shed at the house. Company can bring their own seating or use the picnic table.
  • We carry four. Two bag chairs because they don't take up much room and two zero gravity chairs. Yes the zero gravity chairs are bulky but we sometimes enjoy lounging outside on a cool day. Being from Texas and normally taking our vacation in September, you might say we escape the heat when going on vacation. We normally go to Colorado or New Mexico but always to cooler climate in the mountains. Our last day of vacation is usually when we just hang out at camp. Those zero gravity chairs are perfect for this. We relax, soak up the temps and enjoy the view. If you don't use them (they do take up a lot of space in basement), then get rid of them but if you enjoy an occasional day of just relaxing outside keep them. I think it is a personal thing.
  • I believe everyone has this exact same problem, and close to the same types of chairs. My favorite type are the Aluminum Folding Director, but we have the zero gravity, and a couple of bag chairs. My wife is scared somebody may not have a place to sit I guess. We travel with our 2 children 12 and 6, they don't use a chair at all. I am thinking about just using the 2 directors chairs, and taking one recliner. You always have the outside table, so I think 3 should be good for us.
  • LOL !!

    Hubby and I have had a couple of discussions about chairs. There are just the two of us.

    We have 2 zero-gravity chairs that are used under the awning all the time. We have 2 fold up chairs in bags that stay under the back double bed for visitors. We also have 2 fold up that we take with us in the truck if we are day tripping away from campsite. They also are stored under back double bed.

    It seems we carry the same as you!

    We have a TT and we do not full time either.
  • rhagfo's avatar
    Explorer III
    We carry four, two simple folding directors chairs from the Kennedy Space Center, and two super comfy chairs from CW like these, love when there is a chill in the wind, you are protected.