Forum Discussion

Hammerboy's avatar
Aug 18, 2019

Rails vs pucks vs gooseneck mount

Hello all,

The plan is for a new truck within the next 6 months and one of the things I am stuck on is the fifth wheel hitch.

Currently I have a B&W Patriot slider, I have the slider mainly because it gives me better clearance between the truck bed sides/tailgate and the fifth when as I have it in the maneuvering position as I back it down the hill to our barn. I have about 5-6 inches clearance to keep the rig pretty level.

I have the bed rails now and they don't really bother me in the bed for what I do with my truck. Once I put the hitch in the spring it stays till end of the season. I have trailers I use most of the time anyway.
So I am wondering:

1. Forget the pucks system, go rail again and keep the hitch I have. Least costly option

2. Get the puck, sell the Patriot and buy OEM Companion Slider. Down side is I may have to sell it or the base someday with a new truck. I wish pucks were universal

3. Get the puck system and get a gooseneck mount Companion that I can keep no matter the future truck.

4. I realize there are puck adapter kits but not sure this is something I want as they likely would raise the hitch which I do not want. It's in its lowest setting currently, I do have one hole left to raise my pin box if need be however. It's also a second connecting point (not direct)for the hitch which seems like a potential for accumulative slop.

5. ?? (Your ideas :-)

Anybody here have a late model truck but said screw the pucks? I realize I may be overthinking this but am curious on your thoughts.

Thanks everyone.
