NWKomfort350 wrote:
laknox wrote:
NWKomfort350 wrote:
If Maxxis 8008 are the best, Why aren't they a stocked tire?
I call ask if Maxxis are available. Nope, I can order it. I carry Carlisle.
Next call.
Do you have Maxxis available? Nope, I stock two other brands, but my
Towmaster are the best.
Two companies recommended Carlisle, and one Towmaster so far.
This leaves me wondering.... :h
I wanted Maxxis, but needed tires =today=, so went with the Carlisles as the best of the worst. I just couldn't wait the 48 hours for the Maxxis to be delivered from the Discount warehouse. I'm already up a load rating from the placard, so I don't have =too= many qualms about them.
I was thinking of going with the towmaster from les schwab because I will be up a rating from my placard.
I will be going from D to E. My gvwr is only 10,300.
Thought about the Blowmasters, but the guys at DT were all running Carlisles on their trailers, so decided to go with them. I know several on a personal level, so was getting info without the sales pitch.