hotpepperkid wrote:
Your living in it and things froze? So how **** cold did it get anyway. Have been in mine with night temps in the low teens and never had a problem
Yeah, during our stay here it got to below 10 some nights. Our first night here, we dripped off the fresh water tank, evidently that ran out because we had used it on our way here - my fault i didn't check it. After it ran out, things froze I'm assuming. Two days later, we had been running the furnace inside, nothing happened, then we took down some of the underbelly and all hoses were frozen. Stuck 3 small electric space heaters in between the underbelly and the frame (air intake was outside still so they wouldn't burn up) and that thawed things down after a few hours. Since then we have been running a pencil sized stream of water in both sinks and in the shower so it won't happen again. We have a Sandpiper and there really isn't any insulation under there, so not really surprising. Will do something about that when we get back to home base.