Alley Fox wrote:
Regardless of whether you are over or under GXXR etc, common sense should prevail. I drive a vintage '60s car and I have "nanny car" operators tell me they wouldn't ride in anything that didn't have airbags, backup alarms, anti-lock brakes, crumple zones, etc. Having successfully driven "vintage" cars for 55 years now, I have learned to respect the limits of older technology and by the same token, I have towed RV trailers safely over 25,000 miles, knowing full well what the limitations and dangers are and drive accordingly. I would rather ride in a TV with a skilled driver who is maybe a little over the GXXR numbers but understands the limitations, respects them than someone whose only understanding of safe towing is calhe numbers calculate. Just my $0.02USD FWIW.....
Absolutely spot on!....I have a 31 Ford A truck street rod. The gas tank dang near sits on my lap. There are NO safety features (except drum and disk brakes) Basically it's a motorcycle with doors!..LOL
And I greatly respect it's limitations. To me, it's like speed California, towing is 55 mph max, regardless of the size of the rig. Cross the Nevada line, and that same rig, according to the state, is safe at 70 mph. What changed?